Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Raising Support

What comes to your mind when you read those words?  Better yet, what feelings come to mind?  Anticipation?  Dread?  As we are 6 weeks into our support raising, we have experienced thoughts and emotions that cover the entire spectrum. But one thing shines through it all: 

Faith.  It just takes faith.  On both ends. 

Yes, it takes a lot of faith to quit a steady job with steady income and live entirely on support from others.  
But it also takes an incredible amount of faith on the part of the supporters.  They trust God and display faith as they give to help spread the gospel.  
You see, missionaries can’t do their work without people back home supporting them, in finances, prayers, relationships, encouragement, etc.  Supporting a missionary is so much more than an exchange of money. It is a sharing of life.  It is an investment in what God is doing in a particular place. It is caring for the needs of a people group.  It is loving each other!  
Raising support has led us into several homes and relationships that may not have happened otherwise.  We have had fabulous meals together, laughed together, and shared how God has burdened each of us, missionary and supporter alike, with the needs of this world.  
I have more friends now than I had before.  
And it all began with that gut wrenching phrase: support raising.

Would you like to be part of our support team?
We would absolutely love to talk to you about the ministry of Echo Ranch Bible Camp on a personal level.  The biggest blessings on this road are the relationships we are building!  Email us and let us know if you're interested!