Monday, August 4, 2014

Garden Progress

It's been a while since I've posted an update on the garden and much work and much produce has happened since then!  The potatoes plants are huge and as I hoe between the rows, I see several smaller potatoes pop up from the dirt.  I dug two plants up to see how big they actually were.  The russets were about smallish-medium size and the fingerlings were still small.  I need to hill them again to get them to produce more.

The onions have been used a few times in the kitchen (I love hearing on the radio: "Angie, could you pull up some green onions from the garden for this soup we're making?") and the bulbs are getting bigger.

I just planted all the rest of the radish seeds because I was getting a little tired of doing them over and over in sections and not getting enough to make much for the salad bar.  A bowl of radishes doesn't go very far when you've got 150 people to feed!

The sugar snap peas are pumping out those peas like crazy!  Everyday I go back out and see more pods ready to be picked.  They have been used on the salad bar and are definitely a favorite.  Even Liesl picks with me and eats them as she goes!

The romaine lettuce also continues producing like crazy and we've picked the outer leaves several times for salads.  Last picking gave us half of a huge trash bag full.  The other lettuce has finally begun to look like iceberg heads, so I will leave those alone for a while to get some full heads.

The few carrots that survived the weeds are still growing.  We pulled a big one up and it had a nice carrot underneath.  It was super good!

The beans continue to grow, but I don't expect much.  They still look terrible and yellowish.

Beets may or may not come through for us.

That's all for now!  I'm super excited to dig up potatoes in the fall!!  Ephraim helped dig the two test plants and keeps asking me when we get to do the rest.  I think he enjoyed using that shovel!

I have tried posting pictures three times to this post, but our internet is so slow that they won't load.  Pictures to come later!

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